IT4Funds is a registered trademark of navAXX SA
navAXX SA is a limited company under Luxembourg law (Société Anonyme) with its headquarters in Grevenmacher (Luxembourg).
It was founded on May 12, 2011 and is a “Professionnel du secteur financier” (PSF). The Company is subject to the supervision of the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), 283, route d'Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg.
Activities authorized by the CSSF under the law of April 5, 1993 are:
Registration and Paying Office (§25)
Domiciliation of companies (§28-9)
Incorporation and administration services of companies (§28-10)
Customer communication (§29-1)
Administrative office for the financial sector (§29-2)
Secondary IT service provider (§29-4)
navAXX is entered in the Luxembourg commercial register (Registre de Commerce) under number B 161049.
Company name and registered office
17, rue de Flaxweiler
L-6776 Grevenmacher
Telephone : +352 27173-700
Email :
Board of Directors
Chairman: Thomas Amend
Members: Thomas Spinner and Joachim Hennen
Managing directors
Thomas Spinner and Joachim Hennen
VAT ID: LU24769104
LEI: 5299006RG4JU0QA2OP76
navAXX SA constantly checks and updates the information on its website. Despite all care, the data may have changed in the meantime. A liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information provided can therefore not be assumed. The same applies to all other websites referred to with hyperlinks. navAXX SA is not responsible for the content of websites accessed via hyperlinks. In addition, navAXX SA reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information provided.
The content and structure of the website are protected by copyright. The duplication of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or images, requires the prior written consent of navAXX SA
The content contained on our website is for informational purposes only and does not establish a business relationship. navAXX SA cannot be held responsible in the event of inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data, or in the event of data falsification.
Responsible for the content:
Lucas Schmidt